Mason Interviewed on Tennessee Father Owes Child Support for 21 Children

Tennessee Father Owes Child Support for 21 Children

Tennessee Father Owes Child Support for 21 Children

Memphis divorce attorney Miles Mason, Sr. comments on Tennessee child support in the news.View the WREG Interview of Memphis divorce attorney Miles Mason, Sr. regarding father of 21 children not paying child support in Juvenile Court case. Sabrina Hall has the story.Here is the link to, the story, and video from WREG News Channel 3: Memphis Father of 21 Sometimes Pays As Little As $6 A Month.

Memphis divorce attorney, Miles Mason, Sr., JD, CPA, practices family law exclusively with the Miles Mason Family Law Group, PLC in Memphis, Tennessee serving clients in Germantown, Collierville and the west Tennessee area.  To learn more about Tennessee child support laws, read and view:

Voluntary Underemployment or Unemployment in Tennessee Child Support Guidelines

Voluntary Underemployment or Unemployment in Tennessee Child Support Guidelines

In Tennessee child support and divorce law, voluntary underemployment or unemployment has always been a hot topic. The incorporation of the income shares child support rules did not change Tennessee law.  They simply summarized what had been the law. Continue reading

Special Education Needs in Tennessee Child Support by Germantown Divorce Lawyer Miles Mason

Special Education Needs in Tennessee Child Support by Germantown Divorce Lawyer Miles Mason

In the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines, exactly what is meant by “special needs education” could be more clearly defined.  Most judges are likely to interpret the provisions in a way that makes logical sense on a case by case basis.  For example, a child with autism, severe learning disabilities, or serious physical challenges will assuredly be deemed to have special education needs.  There may be closer judgment calls when a child has educational needs such as tutoring fees or medication related to diagnosed ADHD.  Continue reading

Tennessee Child Support Income Shares Model

When Tennessee promulgated the income shares model for its major overhaul of Tennessee child support guidelines in 2004 and 2005, it impacted thousands of Tennessee families. Though there was a great deal of criticism, especially from

Tennessee child support guidelines income shares model

Tennessee child support guidelines income shares model impacted thousands of Tennessee families

Tennessee family lawyers, there is no need to repeat them here.  It can be very helpful to know to Tennessee family lawyers and parents alike to take a moment and read what is written about the income shares model within the Guidelines itself. Continue reading

Why a Tennessee Child Support Blog?

Why create a Tennessee Child Support Blog?  I practice family law, sure.  But, before I became a lawyer, I was a CPA.  I find all technical financial aspects of family law interesting.  For example, there are several differences between gross income as it appears on tax returns and gross income for child support.  Probably not a lot of family lawyers get excited about that sort of stuff, but I do.  Whether a parent earns over a half million dollars a year as a high-level corporate executive or is a fireman and cuts lawns as a sideline, the definition of gross income impacts every child support case. Continue reading